Pierce Τheater

To manifest, celebrate, recognize and reward talented, driven and dynamic women all around the world to empower and inspire even more women to make a difference.
It’s time to celebrate, empower, and acknowledge the incredible and significant Greek women leaders, wherever they may live around the world.
Let’s honor the achievements and life stories of these remarkable women.
15 award categories for women’s achievements in their professional fields, such as education and psychology, arts and culture, economics, marketing, media, sports, and more.
The 3rd Greek International Women Awards Ceremony and the announcement of the GIWA winners will take place on
Thursday, September 21, 2023
at the Pierce Theater, American College of Greece (6 Gravias, Ag. Paraskevi)
Start time: 8:00 p.m. – (Arrival time: 7:15 p.m.)
The ceremony will be hosted by Katerina Gagaki.
Special Guest artists
Nina Lotsari – Performing Arts
Katerina Mina – Soprano, Pianist (performing songs by LINDA LEMON)
After the ceremony, there will be a networking reception with drinks and buffet.